Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Not sure why...

I have always wondered why in the world do people blog.  Heck, I only recently learned what the actual word meant and where it came from!  But there are stories inside of me dying to get out.  And let's face it...I don't have a captive audience to relay these fantastical tales to.  I love to do 'stuff'.  I want to share that 'stuff' with the world at large, but again, no captive audience. 

I understand that blogging will not mean I have an audience, captive or otherwise.  I just think that it may help to scratch some itch that I cannot seem to reach yet.  I guess that time will tell.  This could be another one of my crazy whims that dry up and blow away like chaff.  Who knows.  I sure don't.  So we will all just have to wait and see.  I have no idea which direction this will take, nor do I know if it will take direction at all!  I certainly don't do well with directions lately, so who knows. 

Not sure why...but here we go!

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