Anytime you want to give due credit to a critter, it is important to bring up why you would like to give credit to said animal. I learned from those helpful nurses that a random "I love chickens" is actually somewhat creepy to most people. So before I go on to exalt the beloved chicken, let me start at the beginning (of this tale at least).
Lately, my husband has decided to go on a modified Atkins diet. He has greatly reduced the amount of carbohydrates that he eats and is trying to focus on eating protein and fresh veggies. That said, he has also upped the amount of eggs that he is eating. I guess we could very easily go right into the joys of grilled chicken, baked chicken, BBQ chicken...but this one is about the marvelous little egg and the joy of a great omelette.
So it has been brought to my attention that not everyone on God's green earth can successfully make an omelette. Pity. So for those of you who don't is an omelette tutorial, along with stuff that just rocks in an omelette.
- Rock a 3 egg omelette. Don't bother with 2, it just doesn't make enough to fold over. Go on, be a glutton. If need be, you can always share.
- (dum-dum-dum-dum...CRACK THAT WHIP) Or...Beat those eggs well! Whip some air into them. Make sure that they are fluffy- no, you do not have to add a bit of milk to make a fluffy egg. Just whip the stew out of them.
- Size matters- Use a decent size pan...too big and you have a thin as paper omelette. Too small and you can't get a spatula in to flip it and it won't fold over well. Go for a 'medium' pan. I like a coated pan for my eggs. Just careful with that Teflon, you don't want to use metal on it or you will be eating Teflon, and that cannot be good for you.
- Everything is better with butter. Why bother with some product that has potentially been genetically modified? Butter is not going to kill you. Go on and use a pat of REAL butter rather than canned spray or oil, you will thank me later. Give it a good swirl in the pan and go to town.
- Flippin' omelettes! Can't flip your omelette? No worries. Lots of people can't flip an omlette worth a darn. I was once one of those people! Just lift the edges and tilt the pan and let that little runny junk on the top slip under your lifted edge. This works if you cook it on medium or medium high. If you are impatient and must cook it on high (which is how the 'real' cooks say you MUST cook your omelette), either learn to flip an omlette or learn to eat a brown omlette. Your choice. I guess it just depends on how quickly I want my omlette. But keep trying to learn. A plastic spatula works best to flip an omlette. Go slowly and you will eventually learn. If you tear it, who cares! Just keep on working on the flavor. The look will come with time. Loosen the sides all around, then jam that spatula up under your eggs and move quickly to flip them. One smooth move should do the trick.
- Don't be too cheesy- I believe that yes, there is such a thing as too much cheese in an omelette. I personally don't like processed cheese or american slices, they get too gooey and it just kinda grosses me out. I love mozzarella in an omlette or a casserole blend. Or colby. Mmmmm, colby is good. Cheddar is good too, but it can get a little greasy and sometimes too rich. But, cheese is as personal to folks as their pretty little unmentionables (which seem to be very much mentionable now a days...), so do what you dig, just don't overdo what you dig.
- Mr. Goodstuff - When the inside is cooked (either because you can flip your omelette or because you have lifted enough sides to run off the goo and it has cooked ever so slowly) then start piling on the good stuff.
- shredded chicken
- bacon bits
- cheese of your liking
- fresh jalapenos
- onions
- parsley
- fresh spinach
- chives
- ham- either salt pork or glazed
- flank steak, sliced very thin
- black olives
Fold over the edge, give it a moment to get all melty and good then slide it out of your pan. Garnish with a bit of parsley or basil or make a face out of olives. Whatever you want, rules- just yum!
My hubby's fave here lately has included chicken, bacon, onions, olives, jalapenos, parsley, salt and pepper. Who knows what his omelette may contain next week. Now, go out there and make some omelettes, my four loyal followers. It just may change your life.
sounds tasty, but you forgot the sauteed mushrooms and the most critical element, the hot sauce.... yum yum. I love me some omelettes.
ReplyDeleteOr, you can just do a boil in bag omelette...did I just make you shudder?!?! Hahaha!!! Seriously, though, thanks for the omelette tutorial. ;) I'll let you make me one one day!!
My husband would fall in love with you Just Thinking if he saw that comment. I simply don't like either mushrooms or hot sauce! So it would not have crossed my feeble little mind. But GREAT suggestions! Now don't be offended if I delete your comment...I like being married to my man and don't want him running off on me ;)
ReplyDeleteElise, I threw up in my mouth a little. thanks for that.